A Monster Girl stories aggregator. This site automatically scrapes pastebin and AO3 for its content, and is not curated at all. May contain NSFW stories. Read more.
Recent changes
- Otohime
- Umi Osho
- Gremlin
- Wurm
- Ocelomeh
- Jabberwock
- Griffon
- Ogre
- Jorou-Gumo
- Lilim
- Valkyrie
- Balrog
- Yuki-Onna
What is this site?
This site is an aggregator for monster girl related stories. Most stories are set in Kenkou Cross' Monster Girl Encyclopedia universe, or feature the species described in the encyclopedia.
How do you collect these stories?
I don't! Every day the server scrapes the Monster Girl threads in 4chan's /jp/ for pastebin.com and archiveofourown.org links. There's an additional weekly scraping of all known author's user pages to collect stories that weren't posted in either.
How can I get my content featured here?
Just post a link to your story in the thread and it will eventually appear here!
Why anubis.moe?
Because she's best girl, obviously.